As featured in

Reliable company information, delivered instantly


Company credit score and limit

Avoid risky business decisions. All reports show a credit score and suggest a credit limit.

Accounts and financial performance

Access up to 5 years of accounts and financial details including turnover, profit and loss, balance sheets and capital reserves.

CCJs and legal records

Check for CCJs (or Scottish Decrees) as well as other legal notices, mortgages or charges.

Free Credit Score Toolkit

Make better business decisions

Get helpful tips on how to use company credit reports when making potentially critical business choices.

  • How to find out who’s really behind the business with director and shareholder information
  • What a credit score means and the factors that affect your own company’s credit rating
  • Which financial figures are key when assessing a potential partner or supplier

Why choose us

Quality data

Our company reports give you an up to date and in-depth view, including full accounts information.

Simple to use

View each report instantly from your online management portal, or download as a PDF for convenience.

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Going into business with someone? It may be worth your while to check their business history…

Starting a business can be stressful, which is why working alongside someone else is a great way to get the necessary help and support. At Company Search... Continue Reading

What do the credit scores mean?

Our company reports provide information on a company’s accounts and financial information, but they also provide an insight into a company’s credit score... Continue Reading